June 2019 - John Dalton
It must be 5 years since we last welcomed John to Aberdeen and although it was a miserable wet evening John's "Flowers for a Summers Day" demonstration brought some sunshine in. It was a delight to catch up with John and hear all that he has been doing lately including Chelsea and Asda, not two places you often hear mentioned in the same sentence.
John's dem was a fantastic end to our current session and we look forward to seeing everybody in September.
Club news: June was also our AGM and I would like to thank Madeleine who has guided us through the past few years and now resigned as President, many thanks also go Jacky Hatchwell, programme secretary who also resigned after many years on the committee.
Two new committee members were elected, Helen Taylor, who has returned to the club after a period working away from Aberdeen, and Elizabeth McKenzie who has returned to the committee and will take over as Programme Secretary. In the absence of anybody coming forward to take over as President, we are grateful to Philippa Henry, our treasurer, who has taken on the task, but as always we need you all to support the club and consider taking on an active role in running it. We look forward to seeing you all in September.