In November, we welcomed Isobel Greenaway from Kirkcaldy to Aberdeen. We had hoped to see Isobel earlier in the year but she had had to cancel, so we were delighted that she was able to step in after Jo Goldsworthy was unable to demonstrate for us. We were particularly glad to see Isobel as she is planning to retire from touring and this may be her final visit to Aberdeen. Isobel’s title for the evening was “Dare to Dream” and was inspired by the countries she had visited on a recent world tour.
Our first stop was Hawaii and for this design Isobel used a tall container made from rivets. Inside this she had placed a piece of green fabric which was visible through the holes and tumbling from one of the holes was a piece of coiled, wired rope. Dyed salix and mollucella were placed horizontally at one side, whilst manipulated aspidistra and fatsia leaves provided coverage in the middle. Rosa “Avalanche” were placed horizontally opposite the salix and some placed into cones created from aspidistra leaves. A fluff of green sisal and gypsophila inserted at the end gave a marine feeling to it and the finished design was revealed as Isobel’s tribute to the USS Arizona which forms part of the Pearl Harbour Memorial in Hawaii.
Our journey continued amid tropical storms to Fiji. Some palm spathes gave the outline to this design with palm leaves, laurel “marble white”, photina and a red tinged eucalyptus filling the outline. The lovely leucadendron “Safari Sunset” was set into this along with pink gerbera and a multi shaded carnation, the overall effect being that of the sky at sunset.
Further south to New Zealand next and into a lovely container some tall bronze phormium, (from our President’s garden) some aspidistra, euphorbia “Silver Swan”, one piece of this variegated euphorbia had reverted to a plain green colour and Isobel reminded us that should we have any variegated shrubs which show signs of reversion we should remove these shoots straight away as they are generally stronger and will take over the plant. Blue agapanthus and some “flowers” woven cleverly from bear grass completed this design.
Forest fires had been the inspiration for Isobel’s next design and the small leaved eucalyptus “Baby Blue” was one of the many varieties of foliage and flowers which formed this arrangement. Leucospernum “Tango”, kangaroo paw, sedum, skimmia, pittosporum and finally the anthurium “Choco” created a wonderful conflagrant design.
For any flower lover a trip to Singapore is a must and this was the location for the final design on Isobel’s tour. A lovely piece of striped silk in different shades of pink trailed from the container. “Lucky Bamboo” gave height, trailing ruscus softness, hebe “Autumn Glory” and pittosporum added to the foliage outline. Isobel added the pale calla “Garnet Glow” and a variety of orchids in all other shades of pink which picked up the colour in the trailing fabric. A beautiful arrangement to end the evening with and we were glad that Isobel had managed to visit us on what may be her final tour.
Next month, on the 7th December, we hold our Christmas open evening and we look forward to welcoming members and guests to this seasonal event when Jan Faulkner will be our demonstrator.