Rose Clark
Photos of arrangements created by Marie Rutherford for the demonstration to ACFG in September 2013
Since our last meeting, our Club has had the opportunity to participate in many flower events throughout the summer months. The climax was surely the SAFAS display at the Chelsea Flower Show, which was a huge success, gaining a Gold. Later this season, our President, Ann Allan, who was a team member, will be telling us all about it (see Future Events). This was quickly followed by the NAFAS Show in Bournemouth where two of our members, Johan White and Fiona Davies, took part. Further successes were achieved by Club members at the RHS Show in Aberdeen and also at the local Banchory Flower Show. Our congratulations are extended to all participants and winners. With this hectic flower bonanza behind us, we were delighted to welcome back Marie Rutherford from Falkirk who last visited us in June 2011, closing that season. So, to this time opening a new season, Marie’s title for the evening was ‘Travel Memories’. Marie’s ‘Travel Memories’ triggered chuckles of laughter throughout this relaxed evening as her sense of humour shone through her demonstration. In addition, her tips and advice were, as ever, appreciated and we hope it will not be too long before we have the opportunity of welcoming her back to our Club.